1. KS Crop
  2. ยปmyfields.info Instructions

Kansas Crop Improvement Association

myfields.info Instructions and Tutorials

myfields.info  is being developed as an Extension-based multi-crop management tool, click here for some background on myfields.info .


Link to myfields.info  This link will take you to the myfields.info site.  Also, please notice that a field application button has been added to our home page which, when clicked, will take you to the myfields log in page.

Remember:  Do not use Internet Explorer to make field applications.  Update your browser to Chrome or  Firefox.  Using Internet Explorer will cause the program to malfunction.  Besides, using Chrome or Firefox would be more secure from viruses as they are frequently updated.  Both Chrome and Firefox are available for free download.  Don't waste your time, call KCIA if you experience problems. 

Helpful Guidance for Using myfields - Posted 1/26/18


Videos - updated 1/26/2023

NEW  Using Last year's application to help complete new application- this video will show you how to use a previous field application in myfields for field information when completing a new application by using your computer's split-screen capability.


Setting up a free myfields account and applying for certification privileges (while anyone can set up a myfields account, only active KCIA members will be permitted to apply for permission to submit fields to KCIA)

15 minute video -  Submitting field applications to KCIA - good for first-timers or those needing a refresher.  NOTE:  myfields will assign a number to each application ie KS41323  which is the same as the "A" number in the old paper form system ie A41323.

You may also find useful:

 Instructions for installing and using Google Earth.  (not required for using myfields, but may be of use in obtaining legal descriptions and GPS coordinates of fields.  Includes directions for obtaining township overlay.)

 No.  But you can make new applications using the fields you have entered under your "Fields" tab.  This link will show you one way how you can pull up the previous year's application so that you can transcribe field information to the new app.


Assistance: If you have comments or issues using myfields send them to kscrop@kansas.net or call us at 785-532-6118.  If you are having difficulty with the program, checking here may help.