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Kansas Crop Improvement Association

Industrial Hemp In Kansas


Please visit the Kansas Department of Agriculture Industrial Hemp page for the latest guidance for hemp production in Kansas.  You can access this page here: 

KDA Industrial Hemp Homepage

Kansas Commercial Industrial Hemp Act

Production of Certified Hemp Seed 

Beyond the regulatory requirements and field standards specific for hemp, certification of hemp seed is similar to that for any other crop.

Bringing a hemp variety into seed certification to produce certified seed requires a formal review of the breeding history among other items as outlined in section 201.68 of the Federal Seed Act .  These are also outlined on page two of the KCIA general certification standards.  


How can I bring a hemp variety into certification?   Information on bringing a hemp variety into certification can be found here.  KCIA recognizes varieties certified by other AOSCA agencies so therefore such application does not need to be made to each state agency once a variety is approved.

 Certified seed production of Industrial Hemp - important points to consider before making application for certified industrial hemp seed production. 

 Standards for Producing Certified Industrial Hemp Seed in Kansas - These are the standards, along with the general certification standards that guide the production of Certified Industrial Hemp seed in Kansas.  Each different crop type ( wheat, corn, soybean, watermelon etc.) has standards specific to that crop in addition to the general certification standards that pertain to all certified seed in general.  Other certification information can be found on our certification resources page.  One important consideration when contemplating production of Certified Seed is the present lack of labeled herbicide for use in industrial hemp.  Seed production fields are planted at a much lower rate to allow for field inspection and the thinner spacing of plants will present an opportunity for weed growth.  As time goes by herbicide options will become available.

Application for field inspection - this form is to be used to enter a field into the certification program.  An official tag or other appropriate document that identifies the seed as eligible for certification must accompany the application.