Field Application
Log on or Register to create field applications.
Video: Welcome and creating a new application Start here
Video: Overview of tools on field application summary Useful next steps
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why am I not getting the verification email?
First, check your spam folder. Many people have reported that the verification email was marked as spam. Contact the KCIA office if you are still having trouble with the verification email. We can check and see if it was sent correctly and what email address it was sent too. We can also provide you with the email address the verification email was sent from, so you can add it to your “safe sender” list.
Will I have to verify my email address every time I log in to the new “Fields” tab?
No, you’ll only have to verify your email address the first time you log in.
What about myfields?
Please do not enter any field applications on myfields. Only use myfields to access your historical records of field applications from the past. The new “Fields” tab on the Dashboard is completely replacing myfields.
Can I add more users to my account?
Yes, you can add more users to your account. You can give your field manager or roguing crew leader access so they can utilize the new mapping tools! Simply have them fill out the “Register” form on the login screen of the Dashboard and notify the KCIA office that they are an approved user you want added to your account.
Why isn’t my label image uploading?
The file size might be too big. Try downgrading the file size and uploading again.
How detailed do my driving directions and notes need to be?
If your field is located off a trail or driveway, it is crucial that you write detailed notes on how to find your field. If your field is located on a named road and is easy to find, you do not need to give extremely specific driving directions. However, keep in mind that you will be able to “pull forward” whatever information you enter in that box. So, it is in your best interest to make your driving directions complete the first year so you can “pull forward” those notes into subsequent field applications on that land in the future. Please do not write: “Call for Directions.”
Other helpful notes include:
- If the trail to the field is accessible if muddy.
- If you have one field of registered production inside a field of certified production.
- If there is a locked gate
How much information do I have to fill out before saving my application as a draft?
You only need to give your application a field name before you can save as a draft. You can edit your field name later if necessary.
Can I fill out an application on my phone?
Yes, you can use any web browser to navigate to the Dashboard and submit an application on your phone.